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Pet Stretch Blowing Machine

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We offer PET Stretch Blowing Machine from Famous Brand 'Global PET'. The 'Global PET' Machines are two stage, linear type blow moulding machines with simple and unique design. It uses combination of Pneumatic and Hydraulic versions for better and fast quality output. Robustness and long lasting service of component are protected by mechanical and electrical safety systems. Constant quality of bottle production is based on the precision repetition of heater control and stretch motions. Preform carries and blow cells are easily changeable allowing product versatility. The main function of start up operation are combined on the machine integrated LCD Control Panel. Trouble Storage can be accomplished by accessing the LCD Display Screen, Programmed to assist the Operator in evaluating machine conditions. Multi Security devices insure the safety of operators and protect the machine.

The wide range of Machines as per output requirements. Mainly Two Types of Machine like, Fully Automatic PET Stretch Blowing Machines and Semi Automatic PET Stretch Blowing machines.

Semi Automatic PET Stretch Blowing Machine (Preform to Bottle / Jar)

Wide range of Machines for Bottles and Jar of 50 ml to 20 Ltr with One and Two Cavity Machines. Also machines for Cold Filling and Hot Filling. Production output from 400 Bottles (Jar) Per Hr to 700 Bottles per Hr.

Also Machines available for Higher Output options of Two Blow + One Conveyor and for specific shape of bottles Auto Drop Machine.

  • Built –in Philips automatic microprocessor.
  • High quality cylinders and valves are standard equipments of the machine.
  • Pressure adjustable valve controls the high pressure blowing air.
  • The valves controls the pressure of the compressed air, excessive air is vent out through a silencer.
  • Machine maintenance, testing and production have manual and semi auto mode.
  • Genuine parts are used to enhance machine file.
  • One conveyor can have maximum two blowing machines.


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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
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